Celebrating Our Impact: A Reflection on the Inaugural Student Parent Advocacy Alliance Cohort

Yoslin Amaya Hernandez, Student Advocacy Coordinator
July 2024

Generation Hope’s inaugural Student Parent Advocacy Alliance (SPAA) Cohort has just concluded, and we are reflecting with immense pride and gratitude on their six-month journey. This group of nine dedicated student parents from across the country has made remarkable strides, advocating for themselves and others and supporting Generation Hope’s policy work. SPAA members have not only highlighted the unique challenges faced by student parents nationwide, but also showcased their determination to advocate for change.

Advocacy Achievements & Legislative Impacts

Tamara Sahin, an inaugural Cohort member, said, "Being in SPAA has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Sharing pieces of my story, whether through media campaigns or in legislative testimony, has given me the opportunity and confidence to be the dedicated, ambitious advocate and leader that I have always yearned to be."

During their term, our SPAA members have engaged in various advocacy efforts that have reached key policy decision-makers. At the federal level, SPAA members met with three different legislative offices, aiming to influence 12 House Representatives and Senators, as well as their staffers. The discussions focused on critical issues such as connecting students to benefits, doubling the Pell Grant, creating permanent emergency aid for students, and maintaining broadband internet access. Additionally, our SPAA members sent their members of Congress a letter advocating for the expansion of SNAP access to students, reaching up to 24 legislators.

SPAA members also made their voices heard through direct advocacy in three states:

Testified in front of the CA Assembly Higher Education Committee on AB 2458, The GAINS for Student Parents Act, reaching at least nine legislators.

Testified in front of the MD House Appropriations Committee on HB 0463, Maryland Higher Education Commission — Demographic Data Collection — Parental Status, with at least 24 legislators listening to their testimony.

Wrote a letter to the Governor and Senate and House Appropriations Chairs urging investment in early child care and teacher retention.

Amplifying Voices and Networking

The SPAA also played an active role in public engagement. During Generation Hope’s national conference, HOPE 2024, our SPAA members participated in a panel and a member also delivered a keynote speech, impacting over 300 attendees. Their advocacy extended to digital platforms with Instagram takeovers and blog posts, where they shared their personal journeys through higher education. To further empower student parents, one of our SPAA members hosted and co-facilitated an ”elevator pitch” workshop for four fellow student parents, enhancing our collective advocacy skills.

Over the course of our inaugural program, our members attended six workshops, each designed to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to be effective student parent advocates. Our SPAA members also completed two surveys to inform our upcoming work and policy priorities for the next year and participated in focus groups to inform an upcoming Generation Hope report. Most importantly, they joined us at HOPE 2024, building a network of champions and peers.

"Being a member of the Student Parent Advocacy Alliance has been an amazing opportunity for me and for my family. To be part of a team that is so compassionate and committed to the success of student parents across the country has left a memorable impact on me and changed my outlook on what it means to be a student parent. Generation Hope has shown me that I am on the right path and that I’m not alone, something that is easy for everyone to forget sometimes." Darin Wellon, inaugural SPAA member and student father.

Looking Ahead: Continuing the Journey

As we reflect on the past six months, we are inspired by the incredible achievements of our SPAA members. Their dedication to advocacy has not only made an impact on policy but also grown our community of support for student parents. The skills and experiences gained through the SPAA will serve them as they continue to advocate for themselves and others.

As we celebrate the achievements of our first cohort, we are also thrilled to open the application for our second cohort. If you or someone you know is a current or recently graduated student parent who is passionate about advocacy, we encourage you to apply and join us in this journey of impact and change.

We extend a heartfelt thank you to our incredible inaugural Cohort. Your stories, efforts, and successes are the foundation of the SPAA, and we look forward to continuing this vital work together.


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