National Student Parent Survey Results & Recommendations:
Uncovering the Student Parent Experience and its Impact
on College Success
“It was the professors who were curious about my life and who allowed me to bring my son to class who were most helpful.”
- National Student Parent Survey Respondent
One in Five
One in five college students today is a parent, and yet they remain a largely invisible population. The vast majority of institutions do not track parenting status and therefore do not know how many student parents they have at any given time. Generation Hope, in partnership with Imaginable Futures; Chegg.org; the Institute for Women’s Policy Research; and The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice, launched a national student parent survey to gain insight into the higher ed experiences of parenting students. The findings shed light on an incredibly tenacious and driven student population that often feels unwelcome and disconnected as a result of significant gaps in institutional culture, policies, and physical space.
Thank you to our partners
Connect With Us
In addition to providing direct, two-generation support to teen parents in college and their children as they prepare for kindergarten, Generation Hope advocates nationally for the needs of parenting college students and provides technical assistance to colleges and universities to increase their capacity to serve this population. For more information, please contact info@generationhope.org.