Spring Event Series 2022
Thank you to our generous Spring Event Sponsors!
We are so grateful to have had three wonderful opportunities to connect, celebrate, and learn with our community this Spring!
Theresa Sherrod
Gina Baker Chambers & Reginald Chambers III
Jessica Clark Cash
Kaptivate LLC
Kissel Family
Sponsorship Opportunities
Presenting Sponsor
Opportunity to give remarks at Cocktail Reception;
Mentioned by moderator during Fireside Chat;
Two featured posts on Social Media;
Listed in Social Media posts about event sponsors;
Logo and quote in Generation Hope’s e-newsletter;
Logo on all event materials and website;
Link to recording of Fireside Chat to share with others;
Ten tickets to each event.
Ten signed paperback copies of Pregnant Girl
Lead Sponsor
Mentioned in remarks at Cocktail Reception;
Mentioned by moderator during Fireside Chat;
One featured post on Social Media;
Listed in Social Media posts about event sponsors;
Logo in Generation Hope’s e-newsletter;
Logo on all event materials and website;
Link to recording of Fireside Chat to share with others;
Five tickets to each event.
Five signed paperback copies of Pregnant Girl
Listed in Social Media posts about event sponsors;
Logo in Generation Hope’s e-newsletter;
Logo on all event materials and website;
Link to recording of Fireside Chat to share with others;
Four tickets to each event.
Two signed paperback copies of Pregnant Girl
Listing on all event materials and website;
Link to recording of Fireside Chat to share with others;
Two tickets to each event.
One signed paperback copy of Pregnant Girl
Funds raised from these events will fuel Generation Hope’s life-changing work!
Fewer than 2% of teen parents earn a college degree before they turn 30, but Generation Hope’s Scholars graduate at a rate that exceeds the national average for ALL college students and is almost eight times the rate of single mothers nationwide. We’re also working with higher education institutes and policymakers to drive systemic change, removing barriers for thousands of student parents across the country.
Questions? Please contact Reginald M. Grant at reginald@generationhope.org or 202-670-5914.