Our Stories
The families we serve have some of the most inspiring stories you will ever read. Their experiences motivate us each and every day.

Introducing FamilyU’s Inaugural Student Parent Fellows
Generation Hope is thrilled to welcome the inaugural group of FamilyU Student Parent Fellows: Valeria Fernandez, George Mason University; Najah Mills, Montgomery College; Mercy Osei-Hwedie, Northern Virginia Community College; and Lorraine Oyetubo,Trinity Washington University. Each Fellow brings a unique experience to the cohort as well as a passion for supporting and uplifting the student parents in their campus communities.

How Montgomery College is Making Student-Parent Work a Reality with FamilyU
Generation Hope’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Nicole Lynn Lewis, sat down with a current FamilyU Cohort participant, Dr. Ja’Bette Lozupone, who is the Director of Student Affairs at Montgomery College in Maryland, to talk about how the FamilyU cohort experience has impacted Montgomery College’s student parent work.