Meet Our Spring Interns

We’re excited to have a fantastic group of interns supporting Generation Hope’s work this spring. Get to know them, below!


Ariel Hobbs
Communications Intern

Hi! My name is Ariel Hobbs, and I am a junior at the Catholic University of America. I am majoring in Theology and Religious Studies & Psychology and minoring in Italian Studies and Philosophy. In my free time, I enjoy reading and kayaking, and I also volunteer at an anti-human trafficking non-profit in my hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina. When I finish college, I hope to study psychology at the graduate level with the goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. I am very excited to be interning at Generation Hope as I strongly believe in the importance of supporting both student parents and their children on the path to success and I know I will gain valuable experience in communication and a better understanding of how I can serve others with my time and talents.


Danielle Long
Program Intern

Hello! My name is Danielle Long and I am the Spring Program Intern at Generation Hope. I am currently a senior studying Neuroscience with a Chinese studies minor at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. While at Earlham, I have been a member of the Women's Basketball team, a member of the Gospel Revelations choir, involved in the Black Student Union, as well as been a member of MAPS (Minority Association for Pre-medical Students). While I am not exactly sure where life will take me post-graduation, I do know that I have a strong passion for helping people. I believe that education is extremely important, as it can be a gateway to a world of possibilities. As a young parent myself, I realize that it takes a village to raise a child. I am so grateful to be a part of the work that Generation Hope is doing, in being that village for so many young parents in the DC area. I am excited to join the team, and look forward to recruiting new scholars and sponsors this spring.


Donna Coburn
Recruitment Intern

Hi all! My name is Donna and I am a Recruitment Intern for this spring semester with Generation Hope. I will be graduating this semester with a B.A. in Psychology and a specialization in Human Services. After graduating I hope to continue working in the nonprofit field helping to ensure that everyone, no matter their circumstance, has the opportunity to achieve a high-quality education. I am excited to spread Generation Hope’s mission and help as many current or future Scholars as possible! I look forward to a great and enriching experience with everyone!


Felicity Hector-Bruder
Policy & Advocacy Intern

Hi all! My name is Felicity Hector-Bruder and I am thrilled to be joining Generation Hope as a Policy & Advocacy Intern this semester! I am currently a Sophomore at American University, studying Political Science with a focus on Public Policy. Generation Hope's mission is very dear to me because as the daughter of a teen student parent, I saw firsthand how my mother's college education opened new doors for us. I am excited to leverage my experience in education research and writing to help expand Generation Hope's National Impact work and advocate for student parents.


Mya Walters
Mental Health Intern

Hi everyone!

My name is Mya Walters and I am beyond excited to join the Generation Hope Team.

I grew up in Dublin, Georgia. I moved to Athens to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion. I’m currently a senior at the University of Georgia, majoring in Public Health. I studied Public Health in Croatia during the summer of 2019.

I am extremely passionate about maternal health and pediatrics. I have focused a majority of my research on women's health issues across the United States. My college career has allowed me to explore my interests in research and project management. Through my classes, I designed multiple educational programs to address various health topics including mental health initiatives, sexual education and maternal mortality.

When I’m not busy with work, you can find me doing anything adventurous. I enjoy listening to podcasts, walking, traveling, or just about anything that involves being outdoors.

I am grateful to be able to join an organization whose beliefs and values align so closely with mine!


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