Jessica Wisser
Vice President of Advancement
Jessica graduated from Duke University with a B.A. in Public Policy and Music, focusing on social policy and nonprofit systems. Her path into nonprofit work was through arts, education, and social justice organizations. Prior to joining Generation Hope, she worked as Development Director at Young Playwrights’ Theater, an organization that inspires young people to realize the power of their own voices through theater and social justice in Washington, DC. Prior to that position, she served as the Executive Director of the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra, with whom she launched the DC-area’s first El Sistema-based arts education program. She has also held positions with Cantata Singers in Boston, MA, and Wolf Trap Performing Arts Center in Vienna, VA. She resides in Virginia with her husband, Evan, her two daughters, and her dog.
When liberation is thought of as love instead of the opposite of oppression then we can move from reform to transform. — Britt Hawthorne
Why I chose this quote:
Britt Hawthorne is one of the educators and writers I return to frequently, especially when I need to ground myself in anti-oppression work personally and in my community. In this quote, the idea of moving from reform to transform really resonates with me. Generation Hope is a transformational organization through its palpable love for Scholars and their families, and I hold this at the center of my work to illuminate the experiences of student parents and accelerate their educational and economic opportunity.