The Future Is Family
To ensure all student parents have the opportunities to succeed, experience economic mobility, and build wealth, Generation Hope engages education and policy partners to drive systemic change and provides direct support to teen parents in college as well as their children through holistic, two-generation programming.
1 in 5 undergraduate college students today is a parent, and yet they're 10 times less likely to graduate. Fewer than 2% of teen mothers who have a baby before age 18 earn a college degree before age 30. We're changing these statistics.
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Our Model
We know that educational attainment can impact generations. Our family-centered model is built on this premise and allows us to work directly with families who have been historically excluded from educational opportunities while also driving systemic change. Learn more.
Technical Assistance
In addition to providing direct, two-generation support to teen parents in college and their children, Generation Hope advocates nationally for the needs of parenting college students and provides technical assistance to colleges and universities to increase their capacity to serve this population. Learn more.
Get Involved
No matter who you are or where you live, there are so many ways to become involved with Generation Hope. You can mentor a Scholar, volunteer, become a corporate partner, make a donation, tutor a student, and beyond. Learn more.